Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Assignment 7: "Body Parts"

Serious. Wink. Laugh,

Playing music.

Segmented Body Parts
Putting her back together.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Assignment 6: "The Chair"

Family chair
Chair enjoying the rainy day because sun is still shining.

Playful chair

Social chair

Soccer-fanatic chair

Fall-loving chair

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Assignment 5: "Rules of Composition"

1. Biggest, Boldest, Brightest, Most Favorably Placed
2. K.I.S.S= Keep It Simple Stupid
3. Use of Frame
4. Balance
 5. Leading Lines
6. Avoid Mergers
7. Rule of Thirds
8. Room for Logical Movement 
9. Cropping
10. Impact